5 Game-Changing Benefits of Custom Showit Design

custom Showit design

Branding, Showit

This post is about custom Showit design.

Did you know that brands with a strong visual identity are 69% more likely to be recommended by consumers?

That’s right – your website design matters more than ever in 2024.

So, let’s explore how a custom Showit design can be the secret sauce your brand needs to stand out in our modern digital world!


1. Unique Brand Identity 

Having a unique brand identity not only sets your brand apart from the sea of competitors, but you can also make a lasting impression on your customers. Brand identity is what truly creates memorable brands.

Think about Coca-Cola or Nike. We know their logos, brand colors, and what they stand for.


The Importance of Standing Out 

Let’s face it: there are a gazillion brands out there. You have to stand out to make more sales and land more clients. But standing out can mean many things, or you can stand out in many ways, which is what I mean.

You can stand out with cohesive brandingcustomer service, and products.

But if you get all three right, you can truly stand out and create a brand that people will remember.

For the last four years, I’ve worked with brands online, designing Shopify stores, Webflow projects, Squarespace projects, and online course sales funnels.

Before I was a web developer/web designer, I was a Realtor; before that, I worked in Fashion for over a decade.

I’ve truly seen it all when it comes to branding.

I’ve created a branding questionnaire to help you figure out your brand style.

Free branding guide for small businesses



How Custom Design Reflects Your Brand’s Personality and Values

Colors and fonts greatly affect your brand’s personality and the values you want to evoke. If your brand colors are red or orange, your brand vibe might be more intense and bold.

On the other hand, if your colors are turquoise or sky blue, they evoke a calmer and more serene vibe.

The same goes for fonts. Bold fonts tell a different story than more playful fonts.

For example, what I use on my site is Buffer Light. Buffer is more feminine and playful.

Colors also have different meanings in different countries.

So, choose your colors and fonts based on the vibe you want to convey and the values you want to share with your customers.


Examples of Brands That Have Successfully Used Custom Branding

There are SO many amazing brands out there. Here are some examples.

01. Behave

Shopify Branding

Gander is an amazing Shopify design agency that created this site. They create the most modern, fun Shopify stores.


02. Headspace

Brand visual identity

I’m unsure who designed Headspace, but they did an amazing branding job. It visually shows what they are, who it’s for, and the benefits. The brand messaging is on point. 👌🏼


03. Little Wolf Coffee

Brand fonts and colors

I like the simple drawing and use of color with this coffee brand. One of the biggest design trends has been incorporating drawings and sketches into web design, which I love. It’s so fun and playful. So, if your brand wants to have that playful vibe, consider adding some doodles or sketches of animals to your visual design.

I don’t know who designed this, but it’s beautiful and simple.


2. Enhanced User Experience 

Good UX is the most important aspect of website and mobile design. Without good UX, it’s difficult to build websites and mobile interfaces.

I took the Google UX Design certification to better understand UX design and learned a lot. My background is in front-end development. I learned to code first, and then, in early 2024, I finished the Google UX Design certification.

Knowing at least the basics of UX is beneficial for designers and business owners.

Because it is all about the user, the customer who buys the product, the better you make their experience and the better we understand the customer, the better the experience is for them and the more money a company makes.

A win-win.


The Impact of User Experience on Conversion Rates and Customer Satisfaction

Your conversion rates will suffer if your UX is not good, as will customer satisfaction.

To improve your UX, consider doing the following:

  • Image sizes are optimized for page load times.
  • Font sizes are legible.
  • Navigation is straightforward (making a sitemap helps with this).
  • The user journey is clear.
  • Having CTA’s and guiding the customer where you want to go.
  • Good website copy that states. What do you do, and how can you help?
  • Copy is broken down into small chunks of text instead of large blocks.
  • Having an accessibility widget.
  • Mobile optimized site.

You can start with these things to improve your website.


Customizing Navigation, Layout, and Functionality

Creating a sitemap early in designing your websites or mobile apps helps with navigation, layouts, and customer journeys. You can use tools like Figma or mind-mapping tools like Miro to create sitemaps.

best mind mapping tools

For layout and functionality, I like to use Figma. It’s just the design tool I learned when I learned website design. It’s easy to use, and it’s free to start with. You can do wireframing, prototyping, and trying different layouts and screen sizes.


3. Seamless Integration of Brand Elements Across Your Site

You can easily have custom cohesive branding on your Showit site. You can upload brand colors and custom fonts to your Showit website.


Consistency in Color Schemes, Typography, and Visual Elements

You want cohesive branding, which you can achieve by using a few matching colors. I use Color Hexa and Coolors for this.

I wouldn’t choose more than three fonts for a website. More than that, I think it will start looking messy unless you are sure savvy with the use of colors.


how to have cohesive branding


Incorporating Custom Illustrations, Animations, and Interactive Features

You can add custom sketches, doodles, or any type of illustration to bring fun and life to your website. I don’t like many animations, but if you like them, go ahead and add them.

For example, having too many parallax effects confuses me as a user, and I tend to bounce immediately if I see parallax effects.

I don’t like them on websites.

I do like gamification on mobile apps. It’s fun and makes apps super interactive. For example, when doing a school UX project, I used an app called Babbel. I loved its user journey and all the interactive features it had.

So, if you want to have some fun interactive features in your custom Showit design, by all means, go for it.


intro to ux design

My UX design project from school….


How Cohesive Design Builds Brand Recognition and Trust

Having a cohesive brand builds trust with your audience; let’s face it, it’s easier to remember brands with cohesive branding.

Let’s take Babbel, for example.

It makes good use of colors by using only a few colors: orange, beige, white, and black, maybe some light grey text.

Plus, cohesive branding makes it easier to market and create marketing materials using the same fonts and colors.


4. Improved SEO Performance with Custom Showit Design

I have taken many SEO courses in the last decade, and I can confidently say that it doesn’t really matter what platform you are on for SEO.

What matters more is your on-page SEO, user experience, overall content marketing strategy, topical authority, and technical SEO.

However, you can pull those off on any platform, including Shopify, Squarespace, and Showit.

I recently heard a Showit employee say that moving your brand to Showit is not good for your SEO, and sometimes it’s amazing.

My site did well. Before, I was on Squarespace, and my site couldn’t be found on Google. When I moved to Showit, my site was instantly found on Google, but I also SEO-fied everything on my site, and I’ll keep improving over time as my site evolves.

If you optimize your Showit website correctly and work on all parts of your SEO strategy, you can improve your SEO.

If you want to learn more, you can book my “SEO in an Hour” service, and I’ll happily help you develop a solid SEO plan and strategy.


Showit’s Seo-Friendly Features and How Custom Design Enhances Them

Showit has some platform features you can use to work on your Showit SEO. You can add meta tags on each page except the blog pages, add SEO titles and descriptions, control your heading structure to optimize your headings for SEO, and, of course, mobile-optimize your website.

I wrote an in-depth article on Showit SEO, which you can read.


Optimizing Page Load Speeds and Mobile Responsiveness

To optimize your page load speed, you should make sure you have compressed your images and any content on the website, like videos or gifs. You can do this by using compression software.

5. Scalability and Flexibility for Future Growth

With custom Showit design, you can create the brand visual design you want because of the flexibility Showit offers. Showit is a drag-and-drop software, so you can easily design whatever you want to or can think of. You can make super quirky and fun modern designs or more sleek and calm designs.

Anything you can think of.


How Custom Showit Design Can Adapt to Your Evolving Business Needs

As your business grows and your traffic increases, you can add more functionality and essential tools you need for growth by adding more WordPress plugins and integrations you need.

That’s why I like Showit.

I can design what I want, but I still use WordPress for blogging, adding essential integrations, etc., as my business grows.


Content Updates and Additions Without Compromising Design

You can easily update all your WordPress plugins and integrations; Showit, they have continuous automatic backups. You can use the power of WordPress but have the flexibility of Showit to design what you want.


Future-Proofing Your Website With a Solid Custom Design Foundation

To future-proof your site, I highly recommend that you return to the basics of UX. User experience is the foundation upon which a custom Showit website should be built.

So, I would start by creating that sitemap map before designing anything, and I would clearly understand the actions and the overall user journey you want the customer to take.

And, of course, having good website copy.

It is everything; it guides the user, informs them, and helps them take the right or wrong actions.

So make sure you have a good copy.

Remember, you can always improve on it; I do.



Wrapping It Up!

Alright, that’s it for this article. I hope you learn a lot about Custom Showit design and how to improve your branding overall.

Here are more articles on Showit for you to read next.


How to Find Clients Online in 2024

The Ultimate Showit Guide 2024

Showit SEO: Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Rankings

How to Create a Website on Showit in 2024

5 Easy Ways to Customize Your Showit Template